In a country where we were once called “The happiest people on earth”, now it cannot be said of Nigeria to be the most happiest as the situation is no longer the same. So much killing and shedding of innocent blood, deleting the future in order to have no one to take over the affair of the nation; so much political unrest and corruption. Kidnapping is now a normal thing to some people who do not want to labour for legitimate wealth. Some do it all because off spite and hatred for peace and tranquility or is it because they want to force some form of religion on everyone? The abduction of more than two hundred (200) secondary girls in the Northern part of the country is so overwhelming, I wonder how their parents are faring without their daughters by their side, to some parents-the girl taken could be an only child, to some; all they have is what the abductors have taken. *Where are we going in this land? This is really something that is hard to be silent about…* What is t...
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