Determination and Grit!


The world is full of stories of people who started with big dreams and ambitions, only to stumble along the way before they eventually prevailed in the end. One such story is that of a young girl named Lola, whose dream it was to become an engineer and make her mark on the world.

Lola grew up in poverty but she never let this hinder her passion for learning about science and technology. She sold homemade breads door-to-door just to afford school supplies, believing if she could learn enough then all her struggles would pay off some day. And so each night after classes were over, Lola returned home determinedly studying until late into the evening…

It wasn’t easy but she stuck through it out of sheer determination!

Her hard work finally paid off when – despite several bumps along the road – Lola managed to score well enough on University entrance exams that one university gave her chance at attending their engineering program; something almost unheard of since most admissions officers assumed students like Lola could not possibly be smart enough due to their humble backgrounds.. But it was these obstacles which forced Lola deeper into self-study that made her excel even further during tests! Indeed things had come quite far from where they once began indeed—and so she earned herself spot as one of the few women engineers enrolled at prestigious schools across country before long...from there, things only continued succeeding upwards.

Despite endless hardships and challenges that constantly threatened to put her down, she was never ready to give up on what she dreamed of achieving. It seemed as if the more obstacles life threw in her way, the harder it drove her towards reaching her goals.

When Lola graduate from high school at age 18, she knew exactly what path she wanted to take—becoming an engineer designing robots! Her parents however were not so keen on this idea since they didn’t think engineering would provide enough stability for their daughter’s future. They instead wanted her to pursue college courses related to medical sciences like nursing or pharmacy which would lead to sure jobs in hospitals after completing degrees but Lola was not willing to yield under pressure or compromise for something that makes no sense career-wise nor satisfaction wise to her .

Lola refused all parental advice, got accepted into an engineering degree program without any background knowledge about engineering other than basic math and science classes taken during secondary school days, She even had less money to sponsor herself. However, her determination,  hardwork, and believing in herself, helped Lola to make good grades each semester exams while managing odd part-time sales girl jobs just by narrowing balance 

Another two year passed when finally good fortune smiled upon Lola,  given that  some kind soul invested heavily in building and Lola, being prepared for such opportunity; took advantage of the scholarship,  and she was able to develop a robot model within 12 months. Today, I am proud and confident  to publicly say ‘yes, I have a  Born Engineer as my friend'

"Everyone has big dreams, but it so often seems that most of us give up when things do not go our way. This blog post is about a girl with big dreams who didn’t get everything right the first time around, but ultimately achieved her goal through hard work and determination."


Don't be deterred, keep pushing and you'll get it.


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