
Lately, it just seen like walls are crumbling around all
We keep hearing of the dead of a person here and there

Loved ones are lost, loved ones are being kidnapped, acquaintances are being taken away without notice.
That leaves a lot of question to our mind to comprehend.
We really do not feel the blow until the happening is close to home
Then, we begin to understand the pain that ensue losing a loved one.

I have lost a colleague, and I have also lost a friend in a space of a very short time...
The tears in our eye, the sorrow in our hearts is not just because they are gone
off-course, people go away from a particular location and move to another,
In such situation; we have the hope of seeing again, and even when we do not see them again, we are always glad they are alive and doing well wherever they are...
In the case of death, the pain deepens because there is this understanding and realization of a total parting away, a total fade off, a vacuum, a space that might never be filled up in someone's like by another, no more looking forward to see you enter through the door
 oh! the radiant smile, the sound of your voice when you are happy or sad, the sound of your voice when you advise, encourage or even chastise me when I am wrong

The pain is intense because, as my friend, classmate, course-mate, neighbour, I will no longer have you come around to disturb me or help me on those text and tough Mathematics questions that is difficult to solve.
You all will be greatly missed

Till we meet again in eternity.
May their beautiful souls rest in peace,
And I pray for grace and fortitude to bare the loss to family members left behind
May we all be comforted in Jesus name.

Condolence to all who have lost someone and something precious. 



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