
The holding of our hands depict a form of consensus, I strive not to love you but I couldn’t hold back myself; how it happened, I don’t know. I was free with you, at peace with you and cherished you yet something went wrong. I ached to understand the distant experience, the solitude drove me crazy, and the disappearing situation was not necessary yet it deluges me to bring to bear how all that played out. 

The fizzling out has left a peephole where it was not needed; the colours I see remind me of you, remembering your demurring attitude bring smiles to my face. A sped of time it was yet; you left a big print on the walkway not only visible but with a very BOLD stamp. 

 Impacting is a great task, you succeeded without much ado. You will be greatly missed, I love the air you breathe and will always do… P.S        


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