Let God...!

 Safety lies in the hands of the Most High who made everything that never was to be.

Trends come and go, situation starts and end, children are conceived and given birth to, both human and animals are born and they died in the end. What is that one thing that never fails or changes- That thing is the ALmighty God. As much as this may annoy some, the fact still remains that, God is God, and will always be God over all, I am unapologetic about my stance on this.

My God fights for me, He doesn’t need me to fight for HIM (who am I to fight for the Most High God). When it is written that…”The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace” KJV(Exodus 14:14). 

Life is fragile, rather than being protected, we kill it everytime not just with guns or knives but most times with our words. Let’s create a conducive environment to the people around us. I pray for my country Nigeria; God please touch the heart of stones, hearts that do not see any importance to life and living, hearts that kill in the name of some god or gods; to realise that You alone are God, and you love them enough to forgive whatever wrong that has been done to mankind.

There is fear and anxiety everywhere, that is not the right way for anyone, even animals to live. Live and let’s live. Stop the ruthless killings, maiming, kidnapping, and rape.

Jesus still saves and He is ready to accept us just the way we are. Drop all you used to be at His feet and take up the cross sincerely. Ask, seek and knock and He will answer, give and open doors for you.




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