Black Sunday

I am taking the courage to express in writing what happened and how it felt. That Sunday was dark..

Words eludes me to express the pain I felt when I was told that my dad was 'gone', he slept and never woke again on the May 3rd (a day before my birthday) in 2020.

How do I forget such ache and pain, a day that was suppose to be for celebration for me became a day of mourning because he requested to be buried without delay whenever death called. Unfortunately, death decided to come for him on the 3rd and he was buried on the 4th May, 2020(my birthday).

Instead of making merry. I was calling to know if burial arrangement was properly done as, we the children could not travel due to the total lockdown as a result of the serious condition of COVID-19 last year

Waoh! it was really a dark day, Sunday evening it was- 3rd May, 2020.

We shall meet again at the feet of the Lord

Rest on dad!


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