Capable God Cover by Janey Wilson


  1. Going through tough times recently, I have come to realise that God is with me, even in this storm.

    The rude hand of death took my dad away on May 3, 2020, just a day before my birthday (May 4) and I felt so lost and dejected at the loss.
    The loss, exposed my frailty, I used to think I could go through tough times on my own and not really be shaken but it was all a lie I told myself and also believed. The song above reminded me that God is Capable to do all things, He has no impossibility with Him, He is able to hold me still, He is able to walk me down the aisle, He is able to comfort me when I am weak, feeling lost, angry, and tired. He is able to sustain me in this pain.

    Sometimes I wonder, because I have questions to ask; “What was his last thought in that dying hour before he took his last breathe?”, “Was he in pain?” He was not really ill, as a result “Was there something we could have done to keep him alive?” All this and more run through my mind but who am I to question God for taking away the one He made.

    He is the Unquestionable God, He does whatever He pleases when He pleases, and He knows better than anyone who has lived, living and will still live. He gives and can also take away- Lord, please teach me how to number my days and live right by you.

    You may be in pain like me, not necessarily due to the death of a loved one, and if the pain is as a result of the loss of a loved one. I want you to know that God has you in the palm of his hands, always remember that; He has made us strong for himself (Psalm 80: 17b)
    Don’t give in, mind your declarations (what you see and say in that pain), be positive (eulogising God for who He is) and just trust God as he takes you and I through the process. Do not forget that He is capable to do all things and there are no impossibilities with Him.

  2. I rejoice in the fact, we shall meet again in heaven. Rest on dad.


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