
I’m tall, short, I’m slim, fat, I’m fair, dark
I’m quiet; I talk, I’m timid, blunt
I’m feisty, gentle
Who and what do I need to be before you accept me and be comfortable with me without judging me
Knowing a bit of a whole does not mean you understand the whole
I used to like blue; I don’t like it anymore
 I used to love red; I don’t love it anymore
I used to hate black; I don’t hate it anymore
Do you have to be disappointed because I fail to match your description of me?
Accept the change you get every time you get it
I thought we all know that ‘change is the only constant thing in life’?
I’m only reminding you peradventure you forgot
Don’t judge
Understand both parts of the coin before you conclude your research and assume that you know.
Free me to be me, the being that was created uniquely by the Maker Himself.
I’m just human, and I’ve got flaws.



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