Struggling? ...Imminent end.

There is nothing with a beginning that has no end.
When it begins, it is fresh; it rejuvenates, it brings  life, you become proud of yourself for starting a new thing.
The middle of the start can be in two ways- it can drag, or fly.
Sometimes, the drag or flying may have nothing to do with your input.
No matter what comes, decide to stay high up and keep the flag flying
Stay away from bad vibes or bad energy
Reinvent, re-stategize, restart and just do something that keeps you moving irrespective of what your sweet beginning has become.

That struggle starts with you in the middle, 
It still requires you to make it work 
Just remember, everything that has a beginning must surely have an end
Always remember that life does not stop anyone who does not know how to stop, 
The earth or whatever powers, can't stop you, if you do not believe that it can stop you.
Don't give up!


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