Feel Blessed...

Let’s feel, let’s pray, let’s be silent Feel it, savour it, smell it, live it but, Do not let it get to your depth Wade through it like you would in a shallow pool Not by your strength though, by a Greater being who knows more about the way you wish to navigate Stretch out but, do not break; let the stretch teach you the conduit of your body And what the physiological construct of your body can take Conserve yet, pick the right recipe The tasting of the pudding they say; is in the eating Open up the right channels for a grip of life’s best Be there, be here, be present in the moment because the Future cannot be made if there is no today Hold on to what you know best and how well you know how to… Feel blessed, because you are blessed By nature, gift of light for day and darkness for dusk Your maker knows and understands it all… Let’s feel, let’s pray, let’s be silent… JW