Pre-birthday rendezvous

Today, April 22, 2015, precisely eleven days(11) to my birthday (May 4), there is this feeling of excitement that wells inside of me like it used to be when I was just a little kid and as a teenager because,
such periods usually bring excitements, good surprises, gifts and fun.Even when there is no physical gift, there’s usually the feel of love and being loved.

I feel like something good is on the way, it feels like it’s going to be alright and better now and in the years to come. I just feel so sure of what I don’t even know.

My mind is like a clean slate ready to receive and savour the good that is coming. God! It’s just so true and sure, it's as if I can feel and touch it. I am really hoping it’s going to be a surprise that will sweep me off my feet to the topmost top.

The usual me, wouldn’t write openly about the way I feel but I can’t help but express this feeling in writing so that I can remember and keep this in mind when whatever it is eventually happens.

Don’t try to think for me by doing any guess work (smiling), let us leave events to take its course.

Happy born-day to ‘delectable me’




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