Writhing pain like...

The essence of living is mostly the ability to feel and sense pain even in the absence of it, remember that it doesn't have to be physical pain  alone.

 Walking through the expanse of humanity help to give us the reason and ability to live in peace with others. Taking a closer look around, I have come to realize that people like to be told the truth, adored and respected, yet most people can’t afford to do same to others.

Friends, in life, will always disappoint you and some will even deny or leave you when you need them most but remember that no matter how heavy the rain may be, the earth is always able to accept, contain and sip it up… that applies to each and every one of us, trials and troubles may be in sight, but you are stronger than what you think, you can handle the situation by the help from above. Wait fervently; it’s just a matter of time…


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